Home Workouts is an app for helping people to train at home.
Somes exercices may need strap but others can simply be done on the ground :).
Strap Exercises - Thirty (maybe more) exercices with staps. Start from legs to arms and finish by some planks. Normally, each one take 30 seconds break and 30 secons actions. So it may takes around 30 minutes to finish ...
Plank & PushUp - Exercices siwtches between some plank and some push-ups. Every exercices takes 30 seconds. For the push-ups, there is no limit of number : just do the max you can in 30 seconds. But be careful ... There is 6 series ...
Just PushUp - 5 series of push-ups of 30 seconds each. Push-ups exercise the pectoral muscles, triceps, and anterior deltoids, with ancillary benefits to the rest of the deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis and the midsection as a whole. Perfect for waking up !
Just Plank - 6 series of plank of 30 seconds each. The plank is one of the best exercises because it tightens the deepest core muscles. It’s a static exercise where you use your arms to raise yourself off the floor and hold the whole body straight and rigid, like a plank of wood.